Defense. Service. Education. Advocacy.

By, With, and For Filipinos and Filipino Americans

Since 2008

The Filipino American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (FALDEF) has commenced their task of helping the migrant community to promote their rights and secure full access to justice.

Sometime in 2008, lawyers of various backgrounds initially and informally bonded together in providing immediate legal reliefs to Filipino nationals in distress.  This common desire soon found its strength in the hearts of other volunteers who came from other professional and non-professional fields. They were further blessed with guidance and inspiration from the leaders of other civil rights groups based in New York.

As an offshoot of linking up with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People-Legal Defense Fund (NAACP-LDF) while addressing the concerns of a number of aggrieved Filipino migrant workers in New York, this group of Filipino and Filipino-American lawyers, community leaders and volunteers formed a core group to formally organize the first community-based legal defense and educational fund in the Northeast Region which eventually became FALDEF. The group aims to provide immediate legal assistance to Filipinos, Filipino-Americans and foreign nationals working or living abroad whose cases will have a significant impact to the welfare and interests of the migrant community in the United States, particularly in areas of employment, family, immigration and human trafficking laws.

We share a commitment to fight

With a Mission

to realize the full potential of the Filipino American community as an integral part of the immigrant community in the United States through impact litigation, education and advocacy.

For a Vision

of a vibrant Filipino American community whose members can freely share their knowledge, talents and resources to advance the welfare of their family and society without fear of unjust treatment of their heritage.

Rooted in Values of

501(c)(3) Incorporated In 2009

Advance the interests of Filipinos and Filipino Americans across the nation on immigrant, labor, and civil rights.

We are a national organization that provides pro-bono legal services to members of the Filipino American community who are suffering legal injustices by reason of their immigrant origins and status and unable to engage legal aid and assistance on account of poverty. We believe that every individual has the right to access quality legal services in their time of need no matter their socioeconomic of documentation status

Justice, Reliability, Integrity, Compassion

Make an impact today

Your contribution will support FALDEF in its efforts to defend, serve, educate, and advocate for Filipinos and Filipino Americans across the nation. Make a Donation and Impact Today!